James Blatch is a former BBC Defence Reporter, BBFC Film Examiner, and author of military aviation thrillers. His reporting career included coverage from HMS Invincible during the Operation Desert Fox build-up, Kuwait’s Ali Al Salem allied air base, the Arctic Circle, and the UK air offensive during the Kosovo Conflict in 1999. James is also the co-founder of the Self Publishing Formula and organizer of the Self Publishing Show Live conference.
In this episode:
- James’ journey from BBC reporter to novelist
- How his defense reporting experience influences his writing
- The inspiration behind his first book “Final Flight”
- Using NaNoWriMo to kickstart writing
- The value of working with a book coach
- Understanding the “why” behind your writing
- Plotting techniques and book structure
- Marketing strategies for self-published authors
- Success with German translations
- Organizing and running the Self Publishing Show Live conference
- The importance of networking for authors
- Thoughts on traditional vs self-publishing
- Advice for new authors starting out
Resources mentioned:
- NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month)
- Save the Cat! Writes a Novel by Jessica Brody
- BookBub for book promotions
- Self Publishing Show Live conference
Book recommendations:
- “Save the Cat! Writes a Novel” by Jessica Brody
- “On Writing” by Stephen King
Connect with James Blatch:
- Website: jamesblatch.com
- Self Publishing Formula: selfpublishingformula.com
Connect with Teddy Smith:
- @teddyagsmith
- Website: https://publishingperformance.com/?ref=ywm3mtc
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