Alessandra Torre and JD Lasica, co-founders of Authors A.I., discuss how artificial intelligence, through their tool Marlowe, enhances the writing process. Speaking at Author Nation 2024, they highlight how AI can improve manuscripts via data-driven analysis, combining technology with creative writing.
Alessandra Torre, a New York Times bestselling author, excels in both traditional and self-publishing. She has built multiple author-focused businesses and understands the needs in manuscript development.
JD Lasica, a techno-thriller author, brings his AI and digital innovation expertise to publishing. His latest release, “The Golden Relic,” demonstrates his ability to blend science fiction with thrillers. As a co-founder of Authors.ai, he helps develop tools for the author community.
In this episode:
- Understanding Marlowe’s AI analysis capabilities
- Differences between analytical AI and generative AI
- How bestselling authors use AI tools
- Comparing manuscripts to successful books
- Using AI for developmental editing
- Integration with other writing tools
- Real success stories from users
- Future developments in the platform
Resources Mentioned:
- Authors A.I.: https://authors.ai/
- Marlowe: https://authors.ai/marlowe/
- Marlowe Pricing: https://authors.ai/plans/
- Interactive dashboard (upcoming)
- Author testimonials at authors.ai/testimonials
Connect with Alessandra Torre:
- Website: https://www.alessandratorre.com/
- Facebook: https://facebook.com/alessandratorre0
- X.com: https://www.twitter.com/readalessandra
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/alessandra-torre-059043b4/
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/alessandratorre4
Connect with JD Lasica
- Website: https://www.jdlasica.com/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/authorjdlasica/
- X.com: https://twitter.com/jdlasica
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jdlasica/
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jdlasica/
Connect with Teddy Smith:
- @teddyagsmith
- Website: https://publishingperformance.com/?ref=ywm3mtc
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