Written By Teddy Smith |
Last updated: 1 month ago

Amazon product listing guidelines

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How to write an Amazon product listing that ranks and converts

In this post, I look at what makes a good Amazon product listing and provide step by step Amazon product listing guidelines for optimised listings.

First off, let’s take a look at a good listing which is making a lot of sales:

So what’s so good about this listing? Let’s break it down.

Clear, keyword rich title

This listing has all the important information as well as its top keywords in the title. We have the brand name (Bambaw) , a description of the item (Water Bottle), size and material (1 litre, Stainless Steel) and some of the keywords (Eco friendly, campfire proof, plastic free, leakproof).

Your title is the most important bit of your listing so make sure you have your top keywords in there. 

But remember you need to make sure it’s readable by the human who is searching and is not just a bunch of search term keywords!

Good quality images

Images are really important and there is a full post about images here. 

But the most important thing to note is that your main image must be of the product with a white background. That’s the case for Amazon and Amazon Handmade.

You are also not meant to have any models, logos or stuff that doesn’t come with the product in the main photo.

In the example below, we can see that the main image is high quality and shows both the product and the nice packaging it comes in. 

The seller has used the other images to really sell the product through infographics and lifestyle images showing the product in use – these are really important for showing the benefits of your product.

Untitled document (2)-1

Benefit rich bullet points

Your bullet points are your chance to really sell your product. This is where you highlight the key benefits of your product while using your most important keywords. 

The trick is not just to list out the features but to also explain how these benefit the buyer. 

For example, the seller in this example, highlights that the product is made from stainless steel (feature) which means that it is better for the environment (benefit) and safe to drink out of (benefit):

ECO-FRIENDLY: Made of 18/8 stainless steel, this large stainless steel water bottle is designed to last a lifetime. Say no to plastic water bottles and plastic pollution! The large water bottle is a safe option for you and the environment.

Persuasive description

If you’re brand registered then you’ll have enhanced brand content rather than a description (I explain how to get brand registered in this blog).

But if you don’t have a brand registry then you can add a product description.

Your product description is where you can go into more detail about your brand values and how your products are made. 

You can also talk about how to look after your product or how to use it. This all helps the customer to really engage with your product and brand.

Again, make sure you talk about benefits rather than features. You should also try to include any keywords that you haven’t got into your title and bullet points in this section. 

Any keywords that are left over after you’ve written your listing should go into your backend keywords.

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2 thoughts on “Amazon product listing guidelines”

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